Move over Batman, there is a new cave in town that rocks (well, there is in my world of positive thinking). The word Man Cave is one phrase I utter a lot to BeautyqueenUK when we talk about moving to a house or larger flat (we live in London, larger flat is more probable - I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination). In my mind I've buried a shipping container under the back lawn (of my imaginary house with 50 foot garden) to create a little den of my own. At a push though I'd settle for a spare room to convert into my own haven where I can go to seek out my creative flair (read play Call of Duty) or just have a space where I can sit and write this here blog. In my head (not a place you ever want to be or understand) I have my dream man cave planned out with the help of this Pinterest board.
The official description of a Man Cave is: "A man cave or manspace is a male retreat or sanctuary in a home, such as a specially equipped garage, spare bedroom, media room, den, or basement"
The official description of a Man Cave is: "A man cave or manspace is a male retreat or sanctuary in a home, such as a specially equipped garage, spare bedroom, media room, den, or basement"
So, in this place of retreat or sanctuary would be everything I need to do 'stuff' - loose term. Stuff that allows me space and time to sit back, relax, watch the Soprano's or Band of Brothers on repeat (I watch box sets like this over and over until I can quote the script) on a massive television (we have a small 50 inch TV in the lounge, I have my eye on that after moving) or I could hook up my PS4 and play Call of Duty online without being reminded Pretty Little Liars, Nashville or Devious Maids is on and is in need of watching (no not for me thanks).
As you can see in this Man Cave of mine, I would have all the gadgets I need. I have an image in my head of lazing back in an easy boy chair, a bit of Metallica on the surround sound and Panzer General on my laptop while England are winning a tournament on the TV in the background. I lost years of my youth to Panzer General, nearly as much as I lost (and continue to lose) playing Football Manager.
How cool is some of this stuff?
So, apart from making my space look something like this, with my interest in modern history I would also want a few genuine (but deactivated) weapons from past hung on the wall to really make the Call of Duty experience come to life.
What would you put in your own personal space?
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