Peak summer heat is upon us, but all that means for fashion enthusiasts is that the autumn season is just around the corner. In a matter of months (or weeks, depending on where you live), the weather will begin to cool off and that cosy autumn atmosphere will begin to settle in. And for those who like to update their closets in accordance with the seasons, that means it's about time for an update.
In particular, a lot of men like to look into new footwear heading into the autumn and winter seasons. Throughout the summer, a lot of us opt for a minimalist approach, wearing sandals or slip-on sneakers whenever appropriate. But come autumn it's time once again to embrace ordinary shoes once more. So, let's take a look at some of the styles making the rounds this season.
Puffy Sneakers
"Puffy" might not be the most technical design term with regard to men's footwear, but looking through Esquire's list of trendy sneakers, it's impossible not to notice that there's a certain bulky, puffed-up quality to stylish athletic shoes these days. From the Puma X Fenty Suede Creepers (which are effectively platform sneakers) to the Nike Air Max 1 re-release, there are just a lot of sneakers that look almost cushiony, which is a nice look for fall. For sneaker heads, now is a time for shoes like these as opposed to some of the stripped-down, ultra-thin low tops that have been popular in recent years.
Chuck Taylors
It almost goes without saying at this point, but sticking with sneakers, Chuck Taylors in all shapes and colours will undoubtedly be in once again this autumn. These are universally recognised as classic choices no matter how you choose to wear them, but the fun thing is that there are always new tweaks and customisations coming out. Just recently, Lyst's page of men's sneakers featured a few different Chucks with fun, original graphics on the heels, both on low and high tops. Some fans of these shoes are even buying plain ones and having patterns drawn or embroidered onto them. In a way, Chucks have become canvasses for expression.
Black (Shined) Dress Shoes
Looking at greater men's fashion trends for the coming autumn, Vogue's slideshow of looks focused mostly on shirts, pants, and outerwear. However, one can't help but notice looking through the images that there's an unusually heavy emphasis on all-black, slickly shined dress shoes and boots. This is actually a contrast to the brown leather boots that have been at least as popular as black shoes, if not more so, in the past few years. That's not to say brown boots are out, but black dress shoes and boots—and in particular, thoroughly shined ones—appear poised for a comeback of sorts.
These are just a few of the looks for men's footwear that have materialised already. In the next month or so we should start to see more regarding popular boot styles and the like for winter. But in the meantime, these trends should help with both your casual and formal footwear as we transition away from summer.